Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is his invincibility the only thing that affords Superman his option of nobility?

I think he's ethically lame.

- OccultyIs his invincibility the only thing that affords Superman his option of nobility?Is it possible that atheists are pro-choice just so they can eat our children?

I wouldn't be surprised. I bet they just want to steal the aborted fetus and gobble it upIs his invincibility the only thing that affords Superman his option of nobility?I don't understand the Q....option of nobility??? No idea what that means....

Not big on Superman comics, don't think I ever read one...Christopher Reeves was my childhood Superman....what I get off of the versions I've seen is this Goody-Goody crap....nauseating actually...

Explain ethically lame, it's been a while since I've seen any Superman...not sure what you're getting at....monkeying with time to save Lois? Selfish, but is there anything else?

((((Occulty))))Is his invincibility the only thing that affords Superman his option of nobility?Not entirely invincible - remember the Kryptonite ..?

My favourite is when school boy Lex Luther short-sheeted Clark's bed at camp and dipped his hand in warm water while he slept...

Whatta laugh riot that was!!

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