Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why are some Conservatives up in arms about what a private company like DC does with a trademark like Superman?

What? Do they want to start regulating comic books now?Why are some Conservatives up in arms about what a private company like DC does with a trademark like Superman?Being upset at seeing yet another Liberal attempt to influence our children's minds... through comic books this time... is NOT the same as regulating the industry. We are free to be upset over such matters, but that does not translate into FORCING changes through laws... That sort of thing is where "political correctness" kicks in and PC legislation is the purview of the Libs.

On the other hand, we can influence their stupid decision with our pocketbook, i.e., not buy them ever again.Why are some Conservatives up in arms about what a private company like DC does with a trademark like Superman?
Did you even read my answer?

I PLAINLY stated that the company can take their storyline wherever they want (That's what the First Amendment is all about... right?). But we can CHOOSE to not buy their product if we don't agree with it (That's what the free market is all about... right?).

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Why are some Conservatives up in arms about what a private company like DC does with a trademark like Superman?The creators of Superman would take the modern execs out to the woodshed for a lesson if they knew what they idiots were doing to their comics.

It has always been true that liberals take what isn't theirs and change it to suit their needs. It's impossible for you to come up with something original that poeple will actually like and buy.

It is the nature of conservatism to create and build.
It is the nature of liberalism to consume and cry when supplies run out.
You are making a mountain out of a molehill for an excuse to criticize Conservatives. As for the regulation thing, you are looking at the wrong party.Why are some Conservatives up in arms about what a private company like DC does with a trademark like Superman?Whatever DC is doing with Superman now can't possibly be as bad as his death and rebirth, and him turning into two energy beings, one red, one blue.

Also, Superman has always been an illegal alien...just saying.Why are some Conservatives up in arms about what a private company like DC does with a trademark like Superman?
This is how it works:

Liberals: They want to control your social life

Conservatives: They want to control your personal life
Your avatar proves you have absolutely no idea what "family values" are...Why are some Conservatives up in arms about what a private company like DC does with a trademark like Superman?
Im glad you said some ... because Im not... I outgrew superman many yrs ago... They can do whatever they want...Dont mess with the Hulk though *LMAO*
Good point. Indoctrination perhaps?
I haven't heard the first conservative mention it. What you have is a fallacy.
because there is no need to change history that is great.....leave the cookie monster alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First I've heard of it. Maybe because I don't care about comics anymore.

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