Sunday, February 12, 2012

The big names that could have been Superman ?

Back in the late 70s when they were putting together Superman The Movie The producers wanted an A-list star to play the man of steel. Today, Its hilarious to look at the list of candidates considered before Christopher Reeve got into the cape. Does anyone think any of these stars, as great as they all were, could have played the part?

Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Roger Moore,

Sylvester Stallone, Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman?

Burt Reynolds,James Caan, Muhammad Ali. The big names that could have been Superman ?Well, they COULD have, but with the unnerving pattern of death or destruction that follows that role, I doubt they WOULD have.The big names that could have been Superman ?those brainy movie executives dont think take star trek for example they thought it was gonna be a bust ?

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