Thursday, February 2, 2012

Do you really think Superman should be rebooted?

I thought Superman Returns was very good, and hoped they would do two more. Maybe the next villain can be Bizarro, since the studio said they wanted more action, shorter in length and want it to lower the cost.

Maybe Jason (Superman's biological son) dies, and Supes gets P'O'ed and takes his anger out on Bizarro and Luthor. What I'm saying is don't make him darker like Batman, but give him a bigger challenge.

Whaddya think? Why or why not?Do you really think Superman should be rebooted?If by reboot you mean starting it all over again, like him landing on earth and growing up, then that would be a no. I really don't need to see the same old story all over again.

I was into the superman returns movie up to the point where he lifts a whole island into space with Kyptonite right in his face (WTF?!?) A whole island, yes. An island partially made of Kyptonite... NO!!! I thought the ending was just retarded. If it wasn't for Spacey I wouldn't have like it at all. It was just to much of a novelty movie for me. I'd like to see him duke it out with Brainiac or Darkside. Give me something worth watching.Do you really think Superman should be rebooted?
I think a full on reboot is needed, Singer took too many liberties and tied the film (badly) to a decades old franchise, used character models that had been 'ret-conned' at least twice, not to mention that w/ Smallville on the air at the time of release he was putting out a solidly conflicting storyline. (by no means should he have hitched his wagon to the series), but at the very least maybe accepted some of the Canon adjustments that had earned the series 5 plus years on TV

I would love a 3 part epic plan drawn around the death (in battle) and rebirth arc centered on either Doomsday or Darkseid. taking the best of the 92/93 arc, and adjusting accordingly (possible even using the first act of the first film to establish the membership of the JLA for their planned film)

They also need to remember that Superman is an alien in Primary colored spandex, Dark is not a place that many movie goers like to see an Alien protagonist go.Do you really think Superman should be rebooted?super man is not a dark's good for batman, because he is a dark character,but super man just isn't like that.

as for the villain, Bizarro would be a good idea,if they do it right.

lex is a good villain, but I want super man to duke it out with someone.

and as for your original question,they should just move on,ignore the orig ion story all together.Do you really think Superman should be rebooted?
they should not go in the direction that batman has went.

Hollywood is shooting its self in the foot by making everything darker just because the dark knight was darker. They should just focus on the movie being good. Superman should stay would just look half-assed if it would be darker.Do you really think Superman should be rebooted?I agree with you Spunky and Frog M that Superman shouldn't be dark. To the question I have to say that Superman Returns was a good film. The thing about Superman Returns is that it is a good film but it has some holes in it. Going back to the Richard Donner Superman movies was not a good idea because it could never be on the same level. Replacing Christopher Reeves with Brandon Routh or trying to make Brandon look and act like

Christopher Reeves was a mistake. I thought that Brandon Routh was good as Superman ..but would not reach the same level as Christopher Reeves. My answer would be yes a reboot does need to be made. Start something new with the Superman Character...go back to the very beginning back on Krypton. If they do make a sequel i would not suggest killing Superman son Jason. It wouldn't really feel right ...his son could be the next Superman or something later in the flims or start a new franchise . The villain that should be in the reboot of the first movie should be Brainiac. Maybe he should kidnap Jason and that makes Superman angry or push him to the edge this would be an idea for a sequel. But in conclusion Superman does need a reboot. Hope I helped.

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