Monday, January 30, 2012

Hi what do you think about Zack Synder directing the next Superman?

Hi director Zack Snyder he made a statement that he was disappointed of the Superman Returns %26amp; so was I. I believe Zack Snyder will be good choice to direct the next The Man of Steel but it will be a remake not where Superman Return left off. One of the thing that Zack worries me is he sometimes directs his movies too dark compare to "Watchmen" or "Sucker Punch" about the step-father but close to Dark Knight vision. What is your opinion? Thanks!Hi what do you think about Zack Synder directing the next Superman?Will Zack Synder did great job in all of his movies and I'm sure that the movie going to be amazing visually and going to have a great fight scenes, and for the record Christopher Nolan is going to write the script so I think watching the reboot of Superman going to be a great experience.Hi what do you think about Zack Synder directing the next Superman?
What is most promising to me is that he stuck close to the source material on Watchmen. That to me is the biggest qualifier. Also, visually, it was amazing so he has that going for him. I love the idea of Snyder doing Man of Steel, even if I don't love Watchmen because it proves he can take the source material seriously and respectfully.Hi what do you think about Zack Synder directing the next Superman?I don麓t know, really. I mean, the last Superman movie sucked, but I love Watchmen and Sucker Punch, I guess it is a matter of how dark the film will be. One thing: if he makes superman fly by computer effects instead of the wires like the last time, the film will suck again. When you see christopher Reeve flying aroun, you buy it, but when you see a a guy so obviously made by a computer program trying to make you believe it's real, well...that sucks!! What's wrong with a blue/green screen and 2 wires?? I think that he must consider that first of all.Hi what do you think about Zack Synder directing the next Superman?
(Unrelated response sorry) Hey Adam, love the avatar. I love "Coca-cola" too!!! NICE.Hi what do you think about Zack Synder directing the next Superman?I think he might do a good job.

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